
On Saturday, February 22, Victoria West High School had the honor of hosting the Region 3 Visual Arts Scholastic Event (VASE). Art Competition, an event that celebrated the incredible talents of our high school art students. With 14 dedicated teachers from nine schools across eight districts participating, this year’s competition featured an array of 296 artworks, with an impressive 126 entries coming from Victoria ISD. 

At the event, each student had the opportunity to shine in interviews with jurors, where they passionately discussed their creative processes and the choices behind their artwork. The jurors evaluated each student using a 60-point rubric, and those who scored a 4 (Excellent) in the Regional Round were able to advance to the Area competition. Victoria ISD had 99 artworks advance on to Area where they went through another round of judging. Jurors then choose a total of 10% from each Division to advance on to State. 

Of the 22 artworks that advanced to the State level from Region 3, Victoria ISD proudly secured 10 spots with the remarkable efforts of nine students. These talented students and their teachers will represent Victoria ISD at the State VASE Event in San Marcos this April. There, students will participate in hands-on workshops, sketching, compete for scholarship prizes, and be able to network with fellow art students. They will also have the chance to view the extraordinary work of over 2,000 Texas students whose artwork will be at State. 

The VISD students and their artworks advancing to the State level are: 

Division 1: 

Mia Macias

"My Own World"

9th Grade 

Victoria West High School

Teacher: Ms. Yearwood

Mia Macias

Karlee Lemmons

“Star Ocean”

9th Grade

Victoria West High School

Teacher: Mrs. Baik

Karlee Lemmons

Keira Seran

“Reaching for the Stars”

9th Grade

Victoria West High School

Teacher: Mrs. Baik


Division 2:

Emma Florida

“A Father’s Passion”

10th Grade

Victoria West High School

Teacher: Mrs Rodriguez-Iturbe

Emma Florida

Kaylee Martinez

“Mother Nature”

10th Grade

Victoria East High School

Teacher: Mrs. Coyle

Kaylee Martinez

Division 3:

Olivia Young

“Invisible Abomination” & “The Me That You See”

11th Grade

Victoria West High School

Teacher: Ms. Yearwood

Olivia Young Olivia Young 2

Division 4:

Marina Vrana

“An Archer’s Stare”

11th Grade

Victoria West High School

Teacher: Mrs. Rodriguez-Iturbe

Marina Vrana

Parker Measom

“Life Through Death”

11th Grade

Victoria West High School 

Teacher: Mrs. Rodriguez-Iturbe

Parker Measom

Morgan Fulbright

“Bleeding Star, Don’t Look Back”

12th Grade

Victoria West High School

Teacher: Ms. Yearwood

Morgan  Fulbright

The State VASE Event will take place in San Marcos on April 25-26, where the qualifying artworks will face another round of judging. Those who receive a score of 4 will be proudly displayed at San Marcos High School for all to view. Among these, about 7% will be honored with the prestigious Gold Seal designation, reserved for artworks that exemplify outstanding concept, technique, craftsmanship, and creativity. 

Congratulations to all of our talented students and their supportive teachers for this incredible achievement! Your hard work and dedication truly shine!