Mr. Dakota Pompa
My name is Dakota Pompa!
I've been a teacher at Victoria West High School since graduating from Texas State University - San Marcos in 2017!
I have a Bachelor's in English with a minor in Diversity Studies.
I teach AP Literature, AP Language, and English 3.
I'm so excited for the 2024-25 school year, and feel free to contact me for any questions regarding the classes I teach.
Here's to a successful and engaging year!
Mr. Pompa
Contact Info
Class Schedule 2024-25
1st - AP Literature (4)
2nd - Conference
3rd - English 3
4th - English 3
5th - AP Literature (4)
6th - AP Language (3)
7th - English 3
8th AP Language (3)
Tutoring Schedule
Monday & Wednesday Mornings