ACT/SAT Registration
Checklist - What You'll Need
About 40 Minutes – In addition to choosing a test date and location, you will be asked to provide information that will be visualized on your score report to help you to explore possible careers that align with your stated interests
Desktop or laptop with an internet connection - Mobile and tablet not recommended
Credit Card or other form of payment
High school course details
Headshot photo - Now or anytime before the photo deadline
Become prepared and confident about the ACT test by downloading this FREE eBook, Before, During, & After: 3 Stages of Taking a College Entrance Exam
What to Expect at the Test Center
Test center staff will compare the information on your Admission Ticket and your photo ID with the test center roster to confirm your registration and identity. You cannot be admitted to the test center if any of the information does not match. This includes having a nickname appear on one item but your full name on another. The staff is not required to hold your seat if you have to leave to get acceptable ID, or if you have to wait while you have someone bring your acceptable ID to you at the test center.
Acceptable Identification Documents
Your ID document must:
Be a valid (unexpired) photo identification that is government-issued or issued by the school that you currently attend. School IDs from the prior school year are valid through December of the current calendar year. (For example, school IDs from 2015-16 can be used through December 31, 2016.)
Be an original, physical document (not photocopied or electronic).
Bear your full, legal name exactly as it appears on your Admission Ticket, including the order of the names.
Bear a recent recognizable photograph that clearly matches both your appearance on test day and the photo on your Admission Ticket.
Be in good condition, with clearly legible English language text and a clearly visible photograph.
This is not a recruiting service. This allows you and your child to monitor their Core GPA
Test Dates and Registration for ACT and SAT