
D. Halama

Welcome Warriors!  I will be your Algebra II or College-Prep Math (Math 0301/0303) teacher this year.  This is my 7th year teaching at West but my 10th year on campus.  Previous to teaching, I was an AVID tutor working at both East and West campuses.  After seeing how students were struggling in their classes, I decided to go the alternative certification route and gained my teaching certification in Mathematics grades 7-12. I will do everything possible to help my students learn and succeed in their academics!

A little about me- I’ve always had a passion for animals, invertebrates, reptiles, fish… (you get the point); so much so, that some of my hobbies include breeding ball pythons, leopard geckos and isopods. I also have 2 cats, a lilac-crowned Amazon parrot, African spurred tortoises, red-foot tortoises, a bearded dragon, saltwater and freshwater fish.  When my pets are not occupying my time, I like to play video games, go saltwater fishing or watch baseball. 

Comments, questions, suggestions - please don’t hesitate to send me an email!  I have a feeling you will enjoy this year as we have fun learning math!